Peter Sloterdijk is one of the most famous and controversial German intellectuals today. Co-host of his own television program, Der Philosophische Quartett, since 2002, and known for having public intellectual brawls with such figures as Jürgen Habermas, his renown in Europe has grown over the last two decades. Known for his 1983 Critique of Cynical Reason, most of his recent work has not been translated into English. This May, Semiotext(e) will be releasing Terror From the Air, the opening salvo in what will be a range of translations of his work over the next few years.
If you'd like to see Sloterdijk in action, he will be giving a couple of lectures next week in the US:
The first is a joint talk with Bruno Latour called "Networks and Spheres: Two Ways to Reinterpret Globalization" at Harvard's Graduate School of Design on Tuesday, February 17, 2009.
And on Thursday, Februrary 19, 2009, he will be lecturing on how “You Must Change Your Life”, at Columbia University’s Heyman Center for the Humanities in New York.
Both lectures are free and open to the public.
Stimulating thoughts indeed ! For a work-in-progress using his concept of “explicitation” (“Explikation”) to incite to trace networks and to rebuild a political project, see :
Posted by: Y | February 25, 2009 at 08:43 AM