The past two days have seen two - count 'em, two - Op-Eds by our author Robert Gottlieb in CA newspapers. Yesterday's ran in the Sacramento Bee and tells how school lunch programs can change the way kids eat:
Today farm-to-school programs and their related school gardens, cooking and waste reduction programs, and cafeteria food innovations are beginning to change the way kids experience and get to know food. This crucial lesson – getting to know the food by eating food that is fresh and full of flavor when it comes straight from the farm is taking place in thousands of school districts across the country and is now operational in all 50 states.
The second, in today's San Francisco Chronicle, calls on Wal-Mart to prove its commitment to promoting healthy foods in its stores:
Wal-Mart says it will lower the price of fresh fruits and vegetables and source directly from farmers, and that's a good thing. But when it began to go local a few years ago, many of those local farmers became subject to Wal-Mart's dictatorial supply-chain ways, where farmers got squeezed and alternative venues, such as farmers' markets, were undermined because of reduced supply.
Tied in with this flurry of journalistic activity are a series of talks he's giving in various CA locales in support of his recent book Food Justice. This week he's in Davis, Winters, and Sacramento; next week it's Berkeley and San Francisco. The lowdown on all the events is here, as is a lot of additional info relating to the book.